COVID-19 Information for Missoula County
The Out-of-School Time (OST) Work Group takes action to understand and create safe, healthy OST environments for all Missoula County youth. Many of the benefits of OST - including building social capital by providing the opportunity to develop friendships with peers and adults, exposing youth to new experiences, and the closing the opportunity gap - are often only available to children and families who can afford and access them. The benefit of a safe, environment beyond the school day should be available to all children and families in Missoula County, especially the most vulnerable.
INVENTORY for Out-of-School Time Providers:
Complete Parts 1, 2, and 3 to win $500 radio credit to Missoula Broadcasting.*
Part 1: Complete this Montana Afterschool Alliance Database Form (5 minutes)
Part 2: Complete this follow-up, Missoula ONLY Form (10 minutes)
Part 3: Complete this activity log sharing all your amazing OST opportunities (10 - 20 minutes)
*Complete all three parts by end of day Friday, December 20th. Winner will be drawn after the 20th. If you would prefer to complete via an in-person interview, call Lisa at 258-3895 or
2019-2020 OST Work Group Goals:
Complete a Needs Assessment of Missoula County's OST landscape. The OST Work Group envisions the Needs Assessment including these three main components*:
An inventory of current OST opportunities, structured and unstructured, completed by public and non-profit organizations.
A community-wide youth survey, (proportionate random sample) completed by 4th, 7th, and 10th graders through Missoula County schools willing to participate. Students can self-opt out or be opted out by a parent. The vision is that students are surveyed every 3 years.
A parent survey potentially attached to the opt-out for the youth survey.
*All Needs Assessment components are in the process of being developed based on stakeholder input.
Use the Needs Assessment to ensure OST activities in Missoula County are equitable and inclusive. Shifting the OST environment in Missoula County could take many forms. The Needs Assessment will inform all action. Here are just a few ideas that OST work group members have discussed:
Connect professionals such as Family Resource Centers to accessible OST opportunities. Too often, children are placed on wait-lists and scholarships are underutilized.
Create a resource guide for Missoula County families on the affordable and accessible OST opportunities.
Designate a proportion of OST slots to the children and families that have the greatest need.
Use data collected to identify funding sources for summer activities in conjunction with summer meals.